
Our Products

Parboiled Rice

Parboiled Rice

  • Higher in nutrients: Parboiled rice is higher in nutrients than white rice, because the parboiling process helps to retain the nutrients in the bran and germ. Parboiled rice is a good source of fiber, thiamine, niacin, and iron.
  • Lower glycemic index: Parboiled rice has a lower glycemic index than white rice, which means that it does not cause a spike in blood sugar levels after eating. This makes it a good choice for people with diabetes or those who are trying to lose weight.
  • More resistant to spoilage: Parboiled rice is more resistant to spoilage than white rice, because the parboiling process helps to kill the bacteria that can cause spoilage. This means that parboiled rice can be stored for longer periods of time without becoming rancid.
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